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Printed circuit boards used standards introduced

Time:2015-2-2【Print】 【Return

1) IPC-ESD-2020: a joint standard ESD control program development. Including electrostatic discharge control procedures necessary to design, build, implement and maintain. Based on historical experience certain military and commercial organizations, and for electrostatic discharge sensitive time for processing to provide guidance and protection.

 2) IPC-SA-61 A: After welding semi-aqueous cleaning manual. Including all aspects of water into clean half, including chemistry, manufacturing residues, equipment, technology, process control and environmental and safety concerns.

  3) IPC-AC-62A: manual cleaning after soldering water into. Description of manufacturing residues, water into the detergent type and nature of water into a clean process, equipment and processes, quality control, environmental control and employee safety and cost measurement and determination of cleanliness.

  4) IPC-DRM -4 0E: through-hole solder point assessment desktop reference manual. Accordance with the standards detailed description of the components, and the welding surface of the hole wall coverage, etc., in addition to including a computer-generated 3D graphics. Fill tin covers, contact angle, wetting, vertical fill, pad cover and numerous weld defect cases.

  5) IPC-TA-722: Welding Technology Assessment Manual. Including information on all aspects of welding technology 45 articles, covering general welding, welding materials, hand soldering, welding batch, wave soldering, reflow soldering, gas welding and infrared welding.

  6) IPC-7525: template design guidelines. I provide guidelines for the design and manufacture of surface mount solder paste and adhesive is applied to the template template design applications are also discussed surface mount technology, and introduced? Queensland together with a through-hole or flip chip components technology, including overprint, two-stage template design and printing.

  7) IPC / EIA J-STD-004: a flux specification requirements included in Appendix I. Technical indicators and classification include rosin resins, etc., depending on the content and the degree of activation halide flux classification of organic and inorganic fluxes; also includes the use of flux, low and no-clean process material containing flux used residual flux.

  8) IPC / EIA J-STD -005: a paste of specification requirements, including Appendix I. A list of features and technical specifications paste needs, including standard test methods and metal content, and viscosity, the collapse of scattered, wetting properties of solder balls, solder paste viscosity and.

 9) IPC / EIA J-STD -0 06A: electronic grade solder alloys, flux and solder flux solids non-standard requirements. For electronic grade solder alloys, for rod, strip, powdered and non-flux solder flux, solder for electronic applications, electronic grade solder for special offers nomenclature, specifications, requirements and test methods.

 10) IPC-Ca-821: thermal adhesive universal needs. Including the components adhered to the requirements and test methods suitable location thermally conductive dielectric.

  11) IPC-3406: a conductive surface coating binders guide. In electronics manufacturing to provide guidance as conductive adhesive solder alternative choice。

 12) IPC-AJ-820: assembly and welding manual. Contains assembly and welding inspection technology description, including the terms and definitions; the type of material printed circuit boards, components and pins, solder joints, component installation, design specifications reference and outline; welding technology and packaging; cleaning and coating; quality assurance and testing.

 13) IPC-7530: bulk welding process (reflow and wave soldering) temperature curve guide. Using a variety of testing methods, techniques and methods to obtain the temperature profile, to provide guidance for the establishment of the best graphics.

  14) IPC-TR-460A: wave soldering printed circuit board troubleshooting checklist. For an amendment to the list of measures likely caused by a fault wave soldering and recommended.

 15) IPC / EIA / JEDEC J-STD-003A. Printed circuit board weldability test.

  16) J-STD-0 13: foot ball grid array package (SGA) and other high-density technology. Printed circuit board packaging process to establish the required specification requirements and interactions, providing information for high performance and high pin count IC package interconnect, including the principles of information design, choice of materials, board fabrication and assembly techniques, testing methods based on the final use of the environment and the reliability of expectations.

 17) IPC-7095: design and assembly process SGA devices complement. Offers a variety of useful information for operating the device is being used or considered SGA people go to an array of packages in this area; and to provide reliable information to provide guidance on the field for the SGA SGA detection and repair.

   18) IPC-M-I08: cleaning instruction manual. Including the latest version of the IPC cleaning guidance in product manufacturing engineers determine the cleaning process and the failure to exclude help them. IPC-CH-65-A: printed circuit board assembly cleaning guidelines title # e #

  19) IPC-CH-65-A: printed circuit board assembly cleaning guide. Providing a reference current for the electronics industry and a cleaning method makes the emerging, including a description and discussion of various cleaning methods, explains the relationship between the various materials in the manufacture and assembly operations, processes and between pollutants.

 20) IPC-SC-60A: manual cleaning solvent welding. Gives automatic and manual soldering cleaning solvent use of technology, discuss the nature of the solvent, the residue problem, and process control and environmental aspects.

  21) IPC-9201: Surface Insulation Resistance Handbook. Including surface insulation resistance (SIR) terminology, theory, test procedures and test methods, including temperature, humidity (TH) test, failure modes and troubleshooting.

 22) IPC-DRM-53: electronic assembly Desktop Reference Manual Introduction. Used to illustrate the through-hole mounting and surface mount assembly technology illustrations and photos.

 23) IPC-M-103: standard surface mount assembly manual. This section includes all 21 documents related to surface mount IPC.

  24) IPC-M-I04: standard printed circuit board assembly manual. 10 contains the most widely used document on the printed circuit board assembly.

 25) IPC-CC-830B: printed circuit board assembly performance and identification of compounds in electrical insulation. Conformal coatings protect the quality and qualifications of an industry standard.

 26) IPC-S-816: surface mount technology process guidelines and checklists. The troubleshooting guide lists all types of process problems encountered in surface mount assembly and solutions, including the bridge, weld, and other components placed malalignment.

 27) IPC-CM-770D: printed circuit board components installation guide. Provide for the printed circuit board assembly components to prepare effective guidance and review the relevant standards, influence and distribution, including assembly technology (including manual and automatic, and surface mount technology and flip chip assembly technology ) and consideration of subsequent welding, cleaning and coating process.

 28) IPC-7129: the number of failures (DPMO) is calculated and printed circuit board assembly manufacturing index per million opportunities. For the calculation of defects and quality-related industrial sectors agreed benchmarks; the number of failures benchmarks provide a satisfactory method for calculating it occurs per million opportunities.

 29) IPC-9261: printed circuit board assembly and production is estimated to assembly failures per million opportunities occur. Defines the printed circuit board assembly reliable calculation method of the number of failures per million opportunities performed, the various stages of the assembly process is to assess metrics.

 30) IPC-D-279: reliable surface mount technology printed circuit board assembly design guidelines. Surface mount technology and hybrid technology printed circuit board manufacturing process reliability guidelines, including design ideas.

  31) IPC-2546: Printed circuit board assembly passed a combination of demand points. Describes the material movement system, such as actuators and buffers, hand placement, automatic screen printing, adhesive automatic distribution, automatic SMT placement, automatic plated through hole placement, forced convection, infrared reflow ovens and wave soldering.

 32) IPC-PE-740A: printed circuit board fabrication and assembly of troubleshooting. Cases include printed circuit product problems in the design, manufacture, assembly and testing records and corrective action.

 33) IPC-6010: printed circuit board quality standards and performance specifications Series Manual. Printed circuit boards including the American Association for the quality of standards and performance standards for all printed circuit board making.

  34) IPC-6018A: Finished microwave printed circuit board inspection and testing. Including high frequency (microwave) printing performance and qualifications needs of the board.

 35) IPC-D-317A: the use of high-speed technology for electronic packaging design guidelines. Provide guidance for the design of high-speed circuits, including mechanical and electrical considerations and performance testing.

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